
Yo Jin Bo walkthrough

** Neste jogo as respostas são cronometradas, acredito que 10s, então salve sempre no inicio de um capitulo por questão de segurança.

>>>Yozaburo Shiranui [Yo]

Yozaburo = é o mais novo deles, ele é um habilidoso ninja com fortes chutes e um sentido afiado, ele odeia ser tratado ou chamado de criança.

-Leave it alone
-Shook it off

-No! I had to say something!

-Stay still
-Make myself laugh

-Go check on the lookout.
-Talk with Yo.

-Get on his back.
-Jogged ahead to catch up.
-Talk to Yo.
-Take a quick look and check.
-Should I check on Jin and Yo?

-I think we should go with Muneshige's plan.
-Should I look at Yo's back?

-I should comfort Yo.

-Check on Yo.
-Run away with Yo.

-A mother and her son. [Good End
-An older brother and his younger sister. [Bad End
-An idol and his manager. (fim de jogo você é morta)

>>>Jinnosuke Murasame (Jin)
Tipico herói, um pouco tímido quando se trata de mulheres, ele me lembrou Tamahome de Fushigi Yuugi, acho que o jeito de protetor dele

-Pick it up.
-Took hold of it.

-No! I had to say something!

-Stay still
-Make myself laugh.

-Go check on the lookout.
-Talk with Jin

-Get on his back.
-Turn around.
-Talk to Jin.
-Take a quick look and check.
-Should I check on Jin and Yo?

-I think we should go with Muneshige's plan.


-I wanted to thank Jin properly.
-Go with Jin.

*The Howling Earth
-I'm his childhood friend [ fim de jogo = morte
-I'm his lover [Good End
-I'm his wife [Bad End

>>> Tainojo tsubaki  [ Bo ]
Ele parece ser um classico japones, porem gosta de falar de coisas complicadas, mas a Mc e uma das únicas que não se entediou com ele.

-pick it up
-took hold of it

-no! i have ta say something

-stay still
-make myself laugh

-do somethinng to help
-speak with Bo

-get on his back
-turned around
-talk to Bo
-take a quick look and check
-should I check ittosai e Bo?

-I think we should go with muneshige plans

-talk with Bo

-run away wirh bo

-wife - Good end
-youger sister Bad end ....

>>>Ittosai Tatsunami
Ele não se dá muito bem com Yo, parece que ele so esta la pelo dinheiro, ele é meio suspeito, sempre de cara fechada

-pick it up
-took hold of it

-no!i have to say something

-stay still
-make myself laugh

-rest while i can

-get on his back
-turned around
-talk to ittosai
-take a quick look and check
-should i check on ittosai and Bo?

-i think we should go with itossai plan

-check on ittosai

-run away with ittosai

*do what Ittosai had suggssted............good end
*have us find another roas even if it ment a detour.....bad end

>>>Mozan kadokura
Monge  de idade e tarado

-leave it alone
-shook it off

-no! i have to say something

-stay still
-make myself laugh

-do somethig to help
-speak with mon-mon

-get on his back
-jogged ahead to catch up
-talk with mon-mon
-take a quick look amd check
-should i check on mom=mon and muneshide?

-i think we should go with muneshides plan
-should i look at mon-mon back?

-i should agree with mon-mon

-check on mom-mon
-run away with mon-mon

*a monk and his diciple, on our way to a funeral [good end
*brother and sister goind to visit our sick mother [bad end

>>>Muneshide tsukuba
Toma conta de Hatsuhime a um bom tempo, parece nutrir certo afeto por ela

-pick it up
-took hold of it

-no i have to say somethig

-stay still
-make myself laugh

-go check on the lookout
-talk with jin

-get on his back
-jogged ahead to catch up
-talk with muneshide
-take a quick look and check
-should i check on mon-mon and muneshide

-i think we should go with the muneshie' s plan


-maybe i should just listen to Muneshide
-go with Muneshide

*his bride, sayo [ good end
*hatsuhime [ bad end


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