
Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome ~walkthrough

Saito - O cara sadista que a Mc acha que faz parte da Yakuza.

Salve here = Ugh. Nope. I'm going back to bed - End 1 - And you died

Load = I'm So Sleepy
Salve 1
Just Push him Away
Two can play at this game
Stop thinking about it and go back sleep
Salve 2
Maybe Just a Bit
Continue Hold Back
Salve 3
If you pass on test, I'll wear you clothes
Salve 4
I Think the filming location is the problem
Salve 5
Ask Miki-san Anyway
Salve 6
Call and yell at them
Salve 7
I'll Leave it for you, Saito-san
Salve 8
Anything you say?
Salve 9
Take Saito-san Side > END 017  Lovebirds/Saito Best

Load Salve 2
The aswer is still no - END 002 Joining to Empire
Load Salve 3
If you Pass the test, I'll do any one thing you Ask - END 003 And so Miki Summer School continues
Load Salve 4
I think the clothes could be better
Run - END 005 Alone again
Load Salve 5
Nah, Raw is fine - END 006 Do not this in real life.
Load Salve 6
Eat my feelings - END 007 Not-so Little Miss Lonesome
Load Salve 7 
Will you be my servants - END 008 Everyone has your limits
Load Salve 8
Meh, who needs Men? - END 010 Defing Womem/Exit
Load Salve 9
Take Miki-san Side - END 012 Invest Wisely (Advice of Kamia8)
Load Salve 9
Give a Vage aswer to Avoid Conflit - END 013 I'm Celebrity

Load Salve 7
Miki-san make me a Normie
Make a salve 10
The Date Scenes
Make a Salve 11
Take Miki-san Side - END 014 > Ab (normal) Lovers - MIKI

Load Salve 10
Forget It, Let's just make our own - END 009 00/10 Do not recommend
Load Salve 11
Take Saito-san side - END 011 - She is Right behind you

Load Salve 9 - Depois de pegar Miki e Saito Best/ After get Miki and Saito Best.
Think over carefully
Make Salve 12
I should organize my thoughts
Make a salve 13
No Chance in Hell - END 019 - Treesome, but is like LOL - Team X

Load Salve 12
Do I really 'like' them? - END 020 -  Fantasy Bromance  - (peguem esse final - LOL)

Load Salve 13 - Treesome rote
Maybe It's ... Actually good?
Make a Salve 14 
Ask Miki - END 018 - Menagé a trois

Load Salve 14
Ask Saito - Scene and Still images.

Miki - O cara que gosta que a Mc pise em cima e é um pouco obcecado.

I'm So sleepy
Stop Thinking of him like Human
Suit yourself, asshat
Get up anyway
Maybe just bit
Stepping Him FEELS SO GOOD!
If you pass on test, I'll wear you clothes.
Salve 1
I think the clothes could be better
Call and Yell at Them
Salve 2
Miki-san Make me a Normie
The date Scenes?
Take Miki-san Side > END 015 - Miki Best

Load salve 1
I don't think it's either - END 004 Where I belong
Load Salve 2
I'll Leave it for you, Saito-san
Anything you say?
Take Saito-san Side - END 016 Please Keep Saito in Your Prayers

Finalizado todos os finais, faltam apenas as cgs dos bonus, o jogo é muito muito engraçado.

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